Ben Kill, Chartered MCIPD

How to Identify a Great Leader – The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Being able to identify a great leader in your workplace can significantly impact your job satisfaction and career growth. After all, great leaders inspire, motivate, and support their team members, fostering a positive and productive work environment. Here are seven signs that you work with a great leader, or with someone who has the potential to become one.

A great leader...

Acknowledges Your Contribution

A great leader ensures that your efforts are appreciated and your achievements are recognized whenever possible. They celebrate your successes, both big and small, and acknowledge the hard work you put in. This recognition boosts your morale and motivation, creating a sense of belonging and value within the team. In the end, when leaders take the time to commend your efforts, it shows they are paying attention and value your contributions.

Welcomes Your Ideas

Great leaders are great at creating a safe space for you to express your thoughts and ideas. They value your input and encourage open communication, fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration. By actively listening and considering your suggestions, they're able to make you feel both heard and respected. This openness not only promotes creativity but also helps in building a more inclusive and dynamic team culture.

Motivates You to Learn

A great leader provides opportunities for you to strive for excellence. After all, they want you to be better! These types of leaders love to encourage continuous learning and professional development, helping you to grow and advance in your career. By offering training, mentorship, and resources, they show that they're willing to invest in your personal and professional growth. This commitment to development ensures that you are always improving and staying competitive in your field.

Cares for Your Well-Being

A compassionate leader frequently checks on you to make sure you're not suffering from excessive stress or frustration. This is because they understand the importance of a healthy work-life balance, and are therefore happy to provide support to help you manage stress and maintain your physical and mental health. By showing genuine concern for you, they help to create a supportive and nurturing work environment, which leads to increased job satisfaction and loyalty.

Values Your Personal Time

Respecting boundaries is a hallmark of a truly great leader. These types of leaders promote the idea of taking breaks and unplugging from work, ensuring that you have time to recharge and maintain a balanced life. By showing that they value your personal time, they demonstrate that they posses a true understanding of the need for rest and recovery. This show of respect not only helps to prevent burnout, but also ensures that you return to work refreshed and ready to contribute.

Leads by Example

A great leader demonstrates the behavior and work ethic they expect from their team. More importantly, they inspire you to uphold the same high standards (without micromanaging). In short: they lead by example, setting a strong precedent for others to follow. By embodying the principles they advocate, they can generate both respect and credibility.

Shows Compassion in Decision Making

A great leader takes time to consider how their decisions affect you and your team. They demonstrate empathy and compassion, ensuring that their choices benefit the well-being of every single person involved. By weighing the impact of their decisions on team morale and individual circumstances, they're able to create a more humane and considerate work environment. This approach not only builds trust, but also fosters a collaborative team spirit.

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