Developing a High-Performing Team is Effortless with Teamioed.

To discover just how straightforward it is to facilitate a session, watch our 'How To' video.

Additionally, each team course is accompanied by a manager guide to assist you in your preparation, which can be found on the overview page of each session.
Write your awesome label here.

Four simple steps to begin your next team course:

Write your awesome label here.

1. Select your team course

Browse our library of team courses and find the right one for you and your team.
Write your awesome label here.

2. Schedule it for your next team meeting

Sessions last between 45 minutes and 1 hour – perfect for energizing your team meetings.
Write your awesome label here.

3. Invite your team

Add it to your team’s work calendars. We even supply you with invitation verbiage in each session’s manager guides.
Write your awesome label here.

4. Get prepared

Five minutes with the team course’s manager guide is all you need to prepare for an engaging session!

Now it’s time to pick your next team course.